The following are gists, snippets, notes, etc. for IT and developer stuff. They generally don't provide a full description of the problem and solution, but maybe they can point you in the right direction. If the note didn't originate with me, I try to document the source.
- Upgrade Postgres Database on Arch
- Command to unlock a user after failed login attempts on arch
- Manually Update Firmware on Linux
- Kill a Running VMware Virtual Machine
- Change KDE Konsole Line Spacing
- Create SSH Tunnel for Remote Postgres
- Generate an image with OpenAI
- Change the number of allowed failed login attempts on Arch
- Install Local Gitlab Runner
- How to merge vmware vdmk disks into one
- How to convert a vmdk to a qcow2
- Build python on Raspberry Pi 4
- Batch convert video files with ffmpeg for Davinci Resolve Free Edition
- Allow force push on all Gitlab respositories
- Archive all projects on Github
- Delete all s3 buckets under profile
- No matching key exchange method found
- Cut image into thirds using imagemagick
- Screen Cheat Sheet
- Tmux Cheat Sheet
- Can't set google chrome as default under KDE in arch
- Restart fancontrol via systemd upon wake
- Upgrade Ubuntu 16.04 postgres from 9 to 12
- Disable middle click on arch using xinput
- Unable to mount guest shared folder in vmware workstation
- Change sddm scale with 4k monitor on arch
- Text expand a date as markdown in vim
- Install SQL Server on Arch
- Upgrade local gradle wrapper
- No module named dulwich.errors
- Connect to default docker vm on OSX
- ld: library not found for -lbigarray
- Delete subfolders by name via bash
- Simple nginx domain redirect
- Ignore folders in unison sync
- Disable red update badge on System Preferences Dock icon
- Write Raspbian to a sd card
- Fix kde scaling issue with arch and nvidia on Macbook Pro with external monitor
- Unlock and mount LUKS disks via bash script
- Auto rotate Kde screen in Arch
- Run windows application as different user
- Add WSL metadata for ntfs
- Add serial port access to a user for arduino on arch
- Make git ignore executable permissions
- Setup platformio on arch
- Brother MFC-8710DW Arch Setup
- Decrypt duplicati config
- Block all IP only requests on nginx
- Remove IP blocked by DenyHosts
- Change the from line in the Alpine email client
- List all kde qbus shortcuts
- Kernel panic - not syncing: no working init found
- ERROR: One or more PGP signatures could not be verified when using AUR
- KDE kwin with nvidia drivers crashes on switching desktops
- Install EDUP EP-DB1607 on Arch
- The data connection could not be established: EHOSTUNREACH - No route to host
- Check and install updates via terminal on OSX
- Find and replace file text recursively
- Simple ssh login email notification
- Setup certbot to install nginx ssl on Ubuntu 16.04
- wmctrl
- Really really quick postgres install on ubuntu 16.04
- Install KDE Image Menu (Kim) on Linux
- Update mirrors on manjaro linux
- Simple nginx path redirect
- Sparkjava or tomcat slow to start on cloud VM
- nmap
- Create local iso repository on XenServer
- iftop
- Rename a S3 bucket
- Install imapsync under WSL
- Get CPU information via terminal on Linux
- Enable git debugging on linux and windows
- Up arrow to autocomplete from history in bash
- fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly pushing to github
- git and hg clone with full windows path and ssh login
- nmon
- Run parallel ssh command with hosts file
- Run duplicati as user
- KDE mouse acceleration too fast
- You need to install XCode 5.0.0
- Enable ssh server in WSL (i.e. window's bash)
- Edit grub video resolution
- Fix Teamviewer doesn't launch on arch
- Change visudo editor from nano to vim
- Jetbrains toolbox opens to blank window
- Open in Guake python script for Nautilus
- Change gnome desktop background color via terminal
- Change gnome 3 desktop icon size
- Disable animation in gnome 3
- The QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME environment variable is not set correctly
- Disable KDE5 baloo file indexer and delete search data
- Regenerate openssh server keys on ubuntu
- How to set the default java on arch
- ReInstall Youtrack service on widows
- error: 'somepackage': duplicate target installed using packer
- Sync imap accounts with imapsync
- Intellij disable change.laf.on.editor.theme.change
- Show hidden files in gtk 2 file dialog
- Change remote git origin
- Convert mercurial repository to git
- Clone all public user repositories with bash
- GitKraken gtk file dialog missing fonts on arch
- Configure i3 to navigate like vim
- Enable 3D acceleration in VMWare workstation on intel graphics
- Run HTML tidy recursively on linux
- Use curl and grep to search website content
- Can't change desktop layout in kde
- Generate cloudfront ssl certificates
- Sync local files to S3 with aws cli
- Install aws cli on arch linux
- Invalidate all files on cloudfront with aws cli
- Kill an app running on a specific port under linux
- Setup bitbucket hg project with new key
- Resize gnome 3 titlebars
- Quick rvm setup on linux
- Create a remote only samba user
- Restart the plasmashell in KDE 5
- Copy remote mysql database to local
- Install vagrant vmware license file
- Export and import pacman packages on arch
- Use xbindkeys to change KDE 5 virtual desktop
- jdk location on arch
- Intellij idea tool windows are missing upon launch
- Text tool to get system info
- Disable laptop touchscreen on Arch linux
- Install PIA on Arch
- Simple du with reverse sort
- Change grub resolution on arch
- Store dotfiles in git repository
- htop
- Could not open /dev/vmmon: No such file or directory
- Fix vmware workstation 12 launch problem (on Arch...maybe others)
- Simple rsync command
- Increase inotify file watch limit
- Close all connections for a postgres db
- Temporarily remove kde drop shadow
- Recusively rename files and folders via bash
- Basic HTTP benchmarking and stress testing
- Restart pm2 and sails
- Change java version on ubuntu
- Check if hugepage is enabled
- Basic apache modules for a reverse proxy
- Cannot lock /etc/password when adding a user
- Rebuild kde5 application menu
- Basic TCP/IP sysctl hardening
- Basic iptables firewall on ubuntu server
- Qt get screen size and set window location
- Force a single direction unison sync
- How to create init.d scripts
- My .conkyrc
- Remove nautilus bookmarks from sidebar
- Generate a random number via the shell
- Simple sql-server creation script
- Create simple postgres user and database
- Reduce movies sizes on linux
- Konqueror abd cervisia: this is not a cvs folder
- Arch random cowsay
- Convert file names to lowercase
- Delete a blank line via regex
- Use rsync to backup home folder
- SQL Server run sql file from command line
- Unison sample config
- Basic curl rest testing
- Pigs for parallel compression